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·7 min read

Tailwind CSS Animations: Tutorial and 40+ Examples

Tailwind CSS simplifies the process of adding motion to your designs with its utility-first approach and prebuilt animation classes. In this article, we’ll showcase various animation examples you can implement using Tailwind CSS, demonstrating how easy it is to bring your designs to life.

Tailwind CSS vs. Bootstrap

Learn about how Tailwind CSS compares with Bootstrap and how to choose the right CSS library for your project.

Tailwind CSS classes that power animations and transitions

Let’s explore some of its classes that allow developers to create stunning animations and smooth transitions with minimal effort.

  • transition: Enables transition effects for properties
  • ease-linear, ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-out: Define the timing functions
  • duration-{time}: Specifies the transition duration (e.g., duration-150, duration-500)
  • delay-{time}: (e.g., delay-200 for 200ms)
  • transition-opacity: Targets changes in opacity
  • transition-transform: Targets transformations like scaling or rotating
  • transition-colors: Focuses on color changes
  • transition-shadow: Smoothens box-shadow adjustments
  • animate-spin: Rotates the element in a circular motion
  • animate-ping: Creates a fading pulse effect
  • animate-pulse: Simulates a pulsing fade in/out
  • animate-bounce: Bounces the element up and down

How to create custom Tailwind CSS animations

Tailwind CSS is a flexible library that allows you to define custom animations, keyframes, durations, transitions via the extend object of its configuration file. Let’s explore how to create a custom glow effect animation from scratch.

1. Open your Tailwind CSS configuration file

Ensure you have a tailwind.config.js file in your project. If not, generate it using:

npx tailwindcss init

2. Define custom keyframes

Define the animation keyframes under the keyframes object — which is inside the extend section of the theme object — and link them to an animation under the animation property. Here are the keyframes for the glow effect:

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    extend: {
      animation: {
        glow: 'glow 1.5s infinite',
      keyframes: {
        glow: {
          '0%, 100%': { boxShadow: '0 0 10px #ff00ff' },
          '50%': { boxShadow: '0 0 20px #ff00ff' },

3. Add the Tailwind class

After adding the glow animation, use it in your HTML file by applying its class, animate-glow, in this case, to your HTML element. Here’s the glow effect applied:

<div class="animate-glow bg-pink-500 p-5 rounded-lg">
  Glowing Box

4: Customize animation duration, delay, and iteration

You can tweak the glow animation further by using Tailwind's utilities like duration-*, delay-*, or repeat-*. . Example:

<div class="animate-glow duration-1000 delay-200 bg-green-500 p-4 rounded">
  Glowing Box

Now, let’s dive into the examples, starting with ones using Tailwind’s predefined animation classes.

Tailwind CSS animations using built-in animation classes

1. Spin animation

The spin animation relies on Tailwind’s animate-spin class. It creates a spinning effect and is useful for creating loading icons.

2. Ping animation

The spin animation relies on Tailwind’s animate-ping class. It produces a pulsing effect, which is great for drawing people’s attention to specific parts of a web page.

3. Pulse animation

The spin animation relies on Tailwind’s animate-pulse class. It simulates a subtle fading effect, commonly used for skeleton loaders.

4. Bounce animation

The spin animation relies on Tailwind’s animate-bounce class. It creates a bouncing effect, perfect for call-to-action buttons or icons.

Tailwind also provides an animate-none class for disabling animations.

Tailwind CSS text animations

5. Text reveal animation

The text reveal animation by rhistoba showcases a button that causes the “Hello World” text to pick. It is a simple but playful interaction to add to a website.

6. Typewriter animation effect

The typewriter animation effect by Samuel Dawson is an implementation of the classic typewriter effect. Only this time, it's powered by Tailwind.

7. Jumping button text

The jumping button text animation by Chitranshu creates a “Message” text that continually jumps in a wave-like pattern. This type of animation will work well as a loading indicator.

8. “Coming soon” text

The “coming soon” text animation by Samuel Abera features text with dynamic colors, blur, and a reflection that flickers on and off. It’ll definitely make your text stand out and catch people’s attention.

9. “Coming soon” text 2

The coming soon text 2 animation by Samuel Abera pushes the creative boundaries of what’s possible with Tailwind. It has a masked text with a moving background and a gear-like element oscillating vertically along with the blue background.

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Tailwind CSS button animations

10. Disabled button

The disabled button animation by Victor Alberto features a button that becomes disabled on click. At the same time, a loading spinner appears next to the button’s text.

11. Loading spinner buttons

The loading spinner buttons by Abhiraj combine custom CSS styles with Tailwind’s classes to create 4 types of loading spinner buttons. It also comes with some extra flavor — a dark-mode toggle.

12. Tailwind buttons scale

The tailwind buttons animation by Sher is a simple animation showcasing three buttons that scale up on hover using the scale-105 class (docs).

13. Tailwind buttons hover

The Tailwind buttons animation by Daniel Omoto showcases five buttons that display different types of animations that trigger on hover. Check them out if you’re looking to spice up your CTA buttons.

14. Spinning icon button

The spinning icon button animation by HWBUK showcases a button with a subtle loading spinner inside it. This is a great animation for developers looking to add a minimal amount of animation to their apps and sites.

15. Switching button text

The switching button text animation by andresandaar switches its text from “Hover me” to “Thank you! on hover.” At the same time, the top and button border of the button connect.

Tailwind CSS card and image animations

16. Image hovering

The image hovering effect by Hsins features an image that moves aside to reveal a card underneath it. To spice things up a bit, consider adding it to your blog cards.

17. Empty state card icons

The empty state card icons animation by HWBUK presents three cards that “break up” on hover, going their separate ways.

18. Image opacity effect

The image opacity effect by Sergey Mochalov features an image that gradually becomes clearer when hovered over.

19. Mix-blend mode animation

The mix-blendmode animation by Manz showcases four images moving in different directions. I particularly like the picture of the person who slides into the purple frame.

20. Animated Tailwind cards

The animated Tailwind cards animation by Prajwal Hallale showcases three cards with different animations that run on hover.

21. Animated image cards

The animated image cards animation by Michael Andreuzza also showcases some cards with animations that trigger on hover.

Tailwind CSS SVG animations

22. Tailwind animation by Sam Provenza

The tailwind animation by Sam Provenza features an SVG element with “wings” that stagger into view one after the other.

23. Tailwind SVG animation

The Tailwind SVG animation by HWBUK features a “writing” SVG icon with a pen that slides in on hover.

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Build a stunning skateboard brand website and skateboard customizer with Next.js, Prismic, Three.js, Tailwind, and GSAP.

Other Tailwind CSS animations

24. Skeleton loading screens

The skeleton loading screens by Vincent display four loading skeletons, which can aid the user experience while a page or parts of your application load into view.

25. Expanding form

The expanding form effect by jverast demonstrates an input field that expands to its full length when clicked.

26. Disappearing bird

While it’s not the most serious animation we’ve seen — or will see — the disappearing bird animation by rhistoba shows a bird that toggles in and out of view when the button is clicked. Yes, I only added it because it's cute. 🙃

27. Framer Motion + Tailwind CSS animation

This animation by Martin Hansson combines the React-based animation library, Motion, and Tailwind to create an accordion, with each accordion having a toggle switch inside it.

28. Splitscreen Tailwind CSS animation

The splitscreen Tailwind animation by Patrick Wendt features a screen that’s split in two. When the white box is clicked, the white section becomes dominant; when the black box is clicked, the black section gains dominance.

29. Tailwind animations demo

The Tailwind animations demo by Adam Whitlock features a colorful display of bubbles with different types of animation applied to them. It can serve as inspiration for moving backgrounds — if you’re into creative websites like that.

30. Tailwind marquee

The marquee animation by Anonymous creates a marquee-like element with different boxes. You can reuse it for the logos section of your portfolio.

31. 3D box

The 3D box animation by Samuel Abera features a rating 3D box that simply rotates on and on — that’s about it.

32. Walking Boba

The walking Boba animation by Anne shows a humanoid Boba tea character swinging its arms and legs. I’m not sure how you’d use this, but it’s definitely fun to see.

33. Bubble background animation

The bubble background animation by Anonymous is another great option for your website’s background. It features different-sized bubbles that slide in from beneath the page. I find it very calming and soothing and could look at it for hours.

34. Sticky full page slides

The sticky full-page slides animation by Laurits has a scroll + parallax effect, in which the different pages snap into and out of view as the user scrolls.

35. Collection of fade animations

This collection of fade animations showcases various types of fade animations.

36. Collection of slide animations

This collection of slide animations showcases various types of slide animations.

37. Collection of zoom animations

The collection of zoom animations showcases various types of zoom animations.

38. Collection of flip animations

The collection of flip animations showcases various types of flip animations.

Tailwind CSS animation tools and libraries you should know

39. Tailwind CSS Animated

A GIF of Tailwind CSS Animated

Tailwind CSS Animated is a library of extended animation utilities for Tailwind CSS. This plugin provides various pre-built CSS animations to quickly add to your projects. It also comes with a configuration editor for defining custom animations — and their properties — and copying the corresponding classes.

40. Rombo

Rombo provides an animation library for Tailwind CSS. All animations are built to be beautiful, performant, and accessible. It provides tens of preset animations and allows you to create custom ones. Notable features of Rombo include:

  • Allows you to export code to Tailwind CSS, Framer Motion, GSAP, and more
  • Provides a visual editor via its Chrome extension

41. TW Elements

A GIF of Tailwind Elements library

TW Elements is an open-source UI toolkit. Besides providing 500+ UI components, it has 20+ animations available.


We’ve explored various animations powered by Tailwind CSS, from the simple types to the calming and complex ones. Hopefully, you’ve gained some inspiration and will use a few in future projects. Always remember to ensure your animations are performant and accessible to users with disabilities.

Lastly, explore the following resources to learn more about Tailwind CSS:

Happy learning and building!

Article written by

Nefe Emadamerho-Atori

Nefe is an experienced front-end developer and technical writer who enjoys learning new things and sharing his knowledge with others.

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Nefe Emadamerho-Atori

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