Wilson Creative
Projects built with Prismic
Luma Energy
luma.energyWebsiteThe result of the complete Wilson Experience™. Rebranding, creative web design, and handmade illustrations are brought to life by quality programming.

Wilson Creative
www.wilsoncreative.seWebsiteWelcome to the wonderful world of Wilson Creative. Our very own website is typo-heavy, minimalistic and #000000. It uses one weight only of Helvetica Now. That’s more than enough.

www.bravura.seWebsiteBravura is a staffing company based in Stockholm, Sweden. They specialize in people who are in the beginning of their careers: The Next Gen Professionals.

www.vermiculus.seWebsiteFintech company Vermiculus deals with micro-services for clearinghouses and stock exchanges. With customers worldwide, they desired a design-driven site with a Scandinavian feel. Based on Vermiculus' graphic profile, Wilson created a clear design with a strong typographic expression. Connections to Stockholm and Scandinavia are made through the northern lights and photos taken by Wilson's photography team at Vermiculus' office. The website is built in NuxtJS with Prismic CMS.

haileyhr.comWebsiteWe have developed a brand-new website, built in NuxtJS with Prismic CMS. Lightning-fast and smooth, just like their service. The goal has been to avoid complicated navigation paths and get straight to the point. In doing so, we create exactly the simplicity that permeates their promise to customers and users.

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